Creating a New Landing Page

What is a Landing Page?

A Landing Page is the content type that acts as a template for high-level pages on It offers several options for attractive, visually interesting content while linking out to subpages.

If you're not sure that what type of content is right for your needs, consult What Type of Content Do I Need?

Note: Only users with the "Content Creator" permission will be able to create a new Landing Page. If you do not have this permission and need to create a new Landing Page, contact Communications at

Creating a Landing Page

  1. Log in to Drupal.
  2. Click "Workbench" on your Drupal toolbar (at the top of the page), then choose "Create Content".
  3. Click "Landing". This will take you to the Landing Page editor.
  4. Enter a Title in the "Title" field. This will appear:
    • As the primary title at the top of the page when it is published (unless overridden by the "Hero Title," as described below)
    • In the browser's tab when users are viewing the page
    • Search results when users search for your page.
  5. The Landing Page Editor content area has 6 tabs. See the Screenshots section at the bottom of this page for examples of what the different tabs looks like on page.    
    1. In "Details", add a Hero Image. This image will be the background to your page's title. 
      1. You may select to browse images that have already been uploaded to the Colgate site with "Browse Media", or you may add your own photo with "Add media." For more information about Hero Images, see Adding Images.
      2. If you wish to have a different title displayed on the page than what you entered in the "Title" field, you can enter it into the "Hero Title" field. Note that the Hero Title will only display if you have added a Hero Image.
    2. The "Intro" tab creates three sections that can be used for short blurbs or statistics to give an impression at the top of your page. We recommend using either all or none of the fields in the Intro tab — don't fill it in partially.
      1. "Intro Title" and "Intro Text" fill the first two text fields in the Intro area. See Using the Text Editor for information on the "Intro Text" field's options.
      2. The "Value" and "Text" fields populate the third Intro section, used for figures and statistics. Enter the numerical value in the "Value" field, and units or descriptive text in the Text field.
    3. The "Blockquote" tab creates a large, visually appealing block quote with options for attributions and a mugshot underneath the Intro area, constrained to the right side of the screen. See Adding a Block Quote for more information on block quotes.
      1. The "Style" drop-down menu chooses the width of the block quote. Choose "Centered" for a block quote centered in the right column of the screen, or choose "Full Width" for a block quote that uses the full width of the right column.
      2. Enter the text of the quote in the "Text" field.
      3. For the "Image" field, use an image where the subject's face is centered in the frame as the image will display as cropped to a circle. To use a previously uploaded image, select "Browse Media". To upload your own, select "Add Media". Block Quote images should be resized to 140px x 140px, focusing on the subject's face. For info on image resizing, see Adding Images.
      4. Enter the name of the person who wrote or said your quote in the "Author" field
      5. Enter the source material of the quote in the "Source" field. Did it come from a speech or magazine article? Enter that here, if possible.
    4. The "CTAs" tab allows you to create Calls to Action, or CTAs, which are prominently styled links. Use these to link users to the most important subpages of your landing page. At least one CTA is required on each Landing Page.
      1. Enter a label for your first CTA in the "Label" field.
      2. Begin typing the name of a subpage or other piece of content you want to link to in the "URL" field, then click the correct choice from the drop-down menu.
      3. The "Link Text" will automatically populate based on the URL you select, but it can be customized and may need to be cleaned up before publishing, especially if the text contains characters other than numbers and letters.
      4. Add additional CTAs with the "Add Landing CTA" button.
    5. The "Spotlights" tab creates formatted groups of content containing a title, photo, text and a button or buttons called Spotlights. These create an attractive way to describe and link to thematically-linked groups of pages.
      1. Enter a title for your Spotlight in the "Title" field.
      2. Add an image in the "Image" field. To use a previously uploaded image, select "Browse Media". To upload your own, select "Add Media". Images for Spotlights should be at least 800 pixels wide and landscape-oriented.
      3. The "Reverse" check box allows you to revers the Spotlight's orientation, shifting the image to right-aligned. This can be useful to create some visual differentiation when using several Spotlights in a row.
      4. Add a text description of your Spotlight's content in the "Text" field.
      5. Use the "URL" and "Link Text" fields to create buttons that will embed in the Spotlight. Add additional buttons with the "Add Another Item" button.
      6. Add additional Spotlights with the "Add Spotlight" button.
    6. The "Highlights" tab allows you to create links to related content from the Colgate News blog. Note that by default, the header for this section is Academic Highlights. If that header is not suitable for your use, consider using the additional content section below to add links to News stories.
      1. Begin typing the title of the News Story you want to link to in the "Related" field. Select the correct item from the drop-down menu.
      2. Add additional Highlights using the "Add Another Item" button. We recommend using three, or a multiple of three, Highlights for best results.
  6. Add additional content to your page using the "Sections" area. To see what content can be added to your page, see What Can I Add To My Page?
  7. On the toolbar on the right side of the page, click “Menu Options” and check the box for "Provide a Menu Link." The Menu Link determines where your page will live in the website hierarchy and how it will appear in the navigation menus.
    • If you'd like your page to appear in the navigation with a different title than the one you entered in the “Title” field, enter that in the “Menu Link Title” field.
    • To select where your page will live in the site's menus and hierarchy, use the “Parent Item” drop-down menu.
    • Choose <Main Navigation>, then in each successive drop-down menu select the appropriate page title to create the path to where you would like your content to live. Note that the last page you select will be the "parent" of your new page. If you're not sure about where your new Landing Page should live:
      1. Check the Site Map Communications provided you with during the web content renovation process.
      2. Check the navigation sidebar of an existing page under your department or office
      3. Ask for help from the Communications office at
  8. The "Weight" field determines the order that items in the same menu appear in. For more information, see Changing the Order of Menu Items
  9. Under "Menu Options", click the "Meta" tab on the right toolbar. In the "Description" field, enter a few sentences (320 characters or fewer) describing the content of the page using keywords that users will search for on Google or another search engine.
  10. The “Access Groups” field on the bottom of the page determines which website users will have access to edit this page. Note that this does not affect anyone's ability to see the public version of your page. Select the group(s) that reflects you and your coworkers who will be editing the page, but please be as specific and limited as possible. Being precise with Access Groups helps us keep everyone's Workbench neat and tidy. See Access Groups for more information.
  11. If you are finished working on your Landing Page, you have the following options in the “Change To” drop-down menu at the bottom of the page:
    • Needs Review: Send the page for review and publication. See Publishing Content for more information.
    • Draft: Save the page as a draft without sending for approval or publication. See Saving Content as a Draft for more information.
  12. Click "Save", and you're done!


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