Creating a New Campus Services and Resources Page
What is a Campus Resources and Services Page?
Campus Resources and Services is a section on the newly updated for internal audience-focused, informational content. Each page, or Resource, in the section should attempt to answer a common question or need that Colgate students, staff, or faculty may have. Examples of Resources could be instructions on how to reserve a room on campus or detailed information about healthcare benefits for employees.
If you're not sure that a Resource is right for your needs, consult What Type of Content Do I Need?
Note: Only users with the "Content Creator" permission will be able to create a new Campus Resources and Services Page. If you do not have this permission and need to create a new Campus Resources and Services Page, contact Communications at
Creating a New Resource
- Log in to Drupal.
- Click "Workbench" on your Drupal toolbar (at the top of the page), then choose "Create Content".
- Click "Resource." This will take you to the Resource editor.
- Enter a Title in the "Title" field. This will appear:
- As the primary title at the top of the page when it is published (unless overridden by the "Hero Title," as described below)
- In the browser's tab when users are viewing the page
- Search results when users search for your page.
- Choose an Audience for your page. Resources may apply to Students, Faculty & Staff, or both.
- Choose one or more Categories for your page. Being typing, then select a category from the drop-down. Add additional categories with the Add Another Item. Possible Categories are:
- Academic Administration
- Academic Support
- Athletics & Recreation
- Campus Governance
- Careers & Internships
- Compliance
- Employment
- Student Life
- Click "Edit Summary" to add a Summary for your page. The Summary is used by search engines as a blurb about the page following the title in a search result. For more on search engine optimization, check out Metadata and Search Engine Optimization.
- Add your content:
- The “Body” field is best for Lead-in text and text near the top of your page. See Using the Text Editor for info on using the Body field.
- To add additional content, click the "Add Section" button below. You may then add other widgets using the drop-down menu. See The Structure of a Drupal Page for ideas on how to structure your content. If you're not sure how to format your content or what you're able to add to your page, check out What Can I Add To My Page?
- On the toolbar on the right side of the page, click “Menu Options” and check the box for "Provide a Menu Link." The Menu Link determines where your page will live in the website hierarchy and how it will appear in the navigation menus.
- If you'd like your page to appear in the navigation with a different title than the one you entered in the “Title” field, enter that in the “Menu Link Title” field.
- To select where your page will live in the site's menus and hierarchy, use the “Parent Item” drop-down menu.
- Choose "<Main Navigation>", then "<About>", then "<Campus Resources and Services>". If your new Resource is a child page of another Resource, select the parent Resource from the drop-down.
- The "Access Groups" field on the bottom of the page determines which website users will have access to edit this page. Note that this does not affect anyone's ability to see the public version of your page. Select the group(s) that reflects you and your coworkers who will be editing the page, but please be as specific and limited as possible. Being precise with Access Groups helps us keep everyone's Workbench neat and tidy. See Access Groups for more information.
- If your resource contains sensitive content that should be limited to certain audiences, you may want to use the Roles function. The Roles function forces users to log in with a Colgate account with the required role in order to view your page. To use the Roles function:
- Click the "Roles" tab under "Details" on the left side of the screen.
- Choose which Role you would like to limit access to:
- Authenticated User or Member: Either of these will limit access to website users. Effectively, this ensures that only those with a Colgate account (students, faculty, staff and alumni) will be able to view your page
- Faculty: Limits access to faculty members
- Staff: Limits access to staff members
- Student: Limits access to current Colgate Students
- Click the "Roles" tab under "Details" on the left side of the screen.
- If you are finished working on your Resource, you have the following options in the “Save As” drop-down menu at the bottom of the page:
- Needs Review: Send the page for review and publication. See Publishing Content for more information.
- Draft: Save the page as a draft without sending for approval or publication. See Saving Content as a Draft for more information.
- Click "Save", and you're done!