Rearranging Content

Drupal offers some options allowing you to easily rearrange content you have created. There are a few general rules which dictate which content can be rearranged, and how.

  • Content with the Rearrange icon next to it can be rearranged. Click and drag on the Rearrange icon to move a piece of content.
  • Different levels of content can be rearranged. Sections, widgets, and items within widgets can all be rearranged with each other.
  • Content can only be rearranged on its own level. Sections can be rearranged with other sections, widgets with other widgets, and widget items (e.g. accordion items) with other widget items.
  • Content can't be rearranged outside its holding container. That means that while accordion items can be rearranged within the accordion they are built in, an accordion item cannot be moved from one accordion to another. Similarly, a text widget created in one section cannot be moved to a different section.
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